International standards and local perceptions of legitimacy. Some professional organizations combine representation and licensing functions. The role of non state actors in global and regional regulatory frameworks. Such models identify roles for nonstate actors, private corporations and supranational governance. This thesis adopts the case of sustainability assurance. Mergers and acquisitions in the international financial services industry. These alternative to legal rules have been increasingly influential in domestic law and policy, with growing evidence of them penetrating legal, professional, as well as social orders. The legitimacy of states and armed nonstate actors gsdrc. Internet explorers acquisition of browser usage share.
The role of nonstate actors and institutions in the. Nonstate actors have been increasingly engaged in regulation, operating and setting rules outside of, and parallel to, existing legal institutions. Nonstate actors as standard setters edited by anne peters. Frame, nonstate actors nsas are understood to encompass. Your browser doesnt seem to have a pdf viewer, please download the pdf to view this item. Committee on banking supervisionoften disguises their potency as standard setters and the. These actors can be understood as stakeholders, defined as any. Nonstate actors as standard setters by anne peters goodreads. In anne peters, lucy kochlin, till forster, and gretta fenner eds. The legitimacy of a state or of a nonstate actor refers to the acceptance of its. Nonstate sovereign entrepreneurs and nonterritorial sovereign. Even if less visible to the public eye, nonstate and substate actors build, run, and manage the everyday architecture of cyberspace farrell, 2015. Pdf on jan 1, 2011, julie gilson and others published civil society and.
A peters and others eds nonstate actors as st andard setters cup cambridge 2009. The aim of the conference was to take a closer look at these nonstate actors. Nonstate actors as standard setters basel institute on governance. The role of nonstate actors in the regulatory reforms outside the. Hence, we need to distinguish between, and combine, the concepts of.
Indigenous peoples, in turn, participated as active standardsetters in. The appearance of nonstate actors in regulation can have different causes. Background and context on all levels of governance, standard setting norm formation or regulation, is no longer the exclusive domain of states or governmental authorities. And nonstate standard setters have, by definition, cut themselves off. The development and use of standards by nonstate actors.
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